getting back to life after loss

Empowering you through life’s transitions

the wound is the place where the light enters you. - rumi 

Wyshbone Wellness was born out of a passion to help others thrive after major life events.  Loss in any form, can be paralyzing or even devastating.  It can make you question everything.  But when you are ready and with the appropriate support, you can turn the loss into a thoughtful transition that will serve you in unimaginable ways.


your path. your choices.

The Wyshbone Program is designed to help you face your loss and make new choices. It might be scary, but the truth is, you can have everything you want if you don’t hold back. Don’t let that voice that’s been telling you, “Next year” or “I can’t afford it” stop you one more day. Prioritize YOU! 

imagine what it would feel like to have a clear path forward.



Welcome to Wyshbone where I help you map that path.

Let me share with you a little about MY path. My wake-up call came knocking the year my parents died. I was blindsided, shaken to my core….LEVELED. The LOSS…made me realize I was LOST to MYSELF.



Look at the bigger picture. Identify your dreams & goals

Create new ways of thinking & breaking old patterns through shifting beliefs & habits 

Map out an inspired action plan, moving you FORWARD with a CLEAR path.


PEACEFUL knowing you are honoring what is most true and important to you.

BRAVE, breaking through blind spots that are holding you back.

FREEDOM from a burdened heart.

CONFIDENT, living a life on YOUR terms.

“Mel's thoughtful guidance has helped remind me of what's important. She challenged me to examine the "why" behind my emotions and/or thoughts. Mel helped me to set goals and reach for them. I always felt supported and empowered by our sessions together and looked forward to our meetings each week.” 

- Elizabeth, Marketing Executive, Los Angeles, CA

“Melissa has a beautiful ability to instantly make you feel comfortable and heard. I was blown away by her capacity to take information in, process it and respond with incredibly intuitive direction. She has challenged me to approach parts of my life differently and think about things through a new lens.”

- Mary, Entertainment Executive, Los Angeles, CA

I am eternally thankful for the positive, transformative impact coaching has had, and continues to have, on my life. The changes that I finally made would not have been possible without Melissa’s strong, confident and uplifting voice encouraging me every step of the way!  Her guidance has been a life-changing force for me. In a time when everything seemed bleak and I felt helpless, she was a gift and a beacon of hope.  I've shifted from being paralyzed by fear and inertia, to taking ACTION!  Melissa’s impact has been profound, and I'm filled with gratitude.” 

- Sam, Law Student, United Kingdom