have you suffered a loss and find yourself in totally unfamiliar territory that seems unbearable?

Are you feeling unsettled and unsure of what to do?

this could be a wake-up call.
a chance to open your eyes. your heart. to reassess. 

I believe wake-up calls are life’s whispers nudging us back into alignment with our true self.

My wake-up call came knocking the year my parents died.  I was blindsided, shaken to my core….LEVELED. The LOSS…made me realize I was LOST to MYSELF.

Being a born seeker, I dove into anything that could help me understand my place in this world…and why as a culture, we are taught so little about loss and grief. The fact that grief comes in so many forms….in so many ways and for so many reasons. 

I didn’t know it at the time, but during very low times in my life, grief was taking a front seat.  When I thought I was going crazy, it was grief showing me a tender moment of awakening.  I see that it shows up often in even my strongest days, as I see parts of myself releasing from an old story.  

“Alcohol made me fun and fearless.”

“My job is who I am and what makes me interesting and relevant.”

“My best friend is getting married. Why does this hurt like a breakup?”

In the end, I wondered, was all this pain and confusion forms of mourning? Could the grief help me to open pathways of creative thinking, higher consciousness and self-awareness? 

This journey led me to these truths: 

+ I had built a career that did not light me up anymore. 
+ I wanted balance in work and personal life, and the freedom to enjoy it.
+ Relationships with the people I loved were suffering.
+ I desperately wanted to give up alcohol and addictive behaviors.
+ I wanted love.

I didn’t know how or where to start a new path; I just knew I needed to. I realized I needed help, so I hired a coach.

Coaching allowed me the time and space to quiet the noise and focus inward. It gave me the tools and structure to work out what was important. With each new piece of self-awareness, I could hear my intuition getting louder. The ability to really FEEL myself allowed me to stand firm in my authority.

Today, I don’t even recognize my life.

I haven’t had a drink in three years.

My relationships are deeper and more honest. 

I keep my work/life balance closely in check.

I’m in love in a real, honest, connected way for the first time in my life. 

I made a complete career change, which inspired me to be bold and launch Wyshbone.

I’m so lucky to be able to help others with their wake-up calls. Why? Because I'm inspired at how lives transform when people are aligned with their hearts.

why wyshbone?

Did you grow up with wishbones in your family? I did!

Every year after Thanksgiving dinner my mom would gently set aside the wishbone so as not to snap it.

My siblings and I would watch it day after day, watching it dry more and more….until that day came.  It was ready!

We would pull and pull until it snapped! Closing our eyes on the SNAP… and slowly opening them to see who got the larger side…..the WISH side!!! 

Sheer excitement would wash over me and then the challenge of thinking really really hard….What do I want?.......What do I wish for?! 

The possibilities were ENDLESS….Nothing stood in your way of your WISH….No parents, no siblings, no rules…..

Cut to — L I F E !

NOW where does your mind take you for your choices?

What if I were to tell you, YOU get to choose.

No fears, no doubts, no OBSTACLES in your path.

See what I did there?  

Notice where your mind went at the start of this story compared to now.

Did you feel all giddy, goofy, and hopeful as your 7-year-old self?

Only to be washed over with life’s realities of worries, exhaustion and loss?

When your wake-up call...(or your “SNAP”)...comes knocking and your life feels split, what path will you choose?

At Wyshbone, it’s our belief that wishes and dreams become realities, when we combine them with intentional action and accountability.

wysh = desire
bone = structure


Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) through Co-Active Training Institute (CTI), one of the oldest and largest coaching schools

Associate Certified Coach (ACC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the worldwide governing body for coaches

CTI Course Assistant 

Grief Group Leader at Our House, a Non-Profit Grief Support Center

Core Energetics Somatic/Deep Feelings Workshop

The Power and Practice of Yoga Nidra Workshop

Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coursework

Sage Intuition Coursework

25+ years spent in ad agencies + tech companies, producing content alongside the world's leading creative minds