🚨 Calling Lost & Found: Anyone find a soul on Aisle L?

Aisle “L” stands for LIFE.

…in case you were wondering. 😏

I don’t lose many things on the daily.  

I am “Type A” organized and therefore have a builtin location device on my person at all times.

✅ Keys —> always in my purse.

✅ Purse —> always on the kitchen table.

✅ Birth Certificate —> filed away, safe and secure.

So, you can imagine how confusing and shocking it is waking up to a version of yourself that is so foreign, you don’t even know where to begin.  

How can you feel lost to YOURSELF?!?

👉 Have you ever felt this way? 

👉 Have you ever questioned why you go through motions everyday that are completely mis-aligned with your values?👉 Or that voice that keeps whispering, “why are you consuming this again, agreeing to this topic again, committing to something you don’t want to do…..AGAIN?!”

😫 Do you wish you didn’t?

If you are answering, “yes” to any of these questions and often feel frustrated, you may be living a life that is not yours. 

Or not yours…fully.  

Not to worry though. 

We ALL lose our way at times.  

Some of us find the path back naturally and some of us get a major wake-up call to nudge us back home.

For me, the loss of love shook me up in a way that finally got my attention.  

With support, I came to understand, this is normal and happens OFTEN after a major loss and life transition.

*Loss of love:  bereavement, divorce, break up, empty nest

*Loss of self:  job, addictions, illness, retirement


The aftermath can be hard.

To put all the pieces of yourself back together.

To find your true NORTH again.

Additional perspectives on the topic:

Psychological Perspective: Psychologists often suggest that losing oneself can occur due to external pressures, traumatic experiences or a lack of self-awareness. 

Spiritual & Personal Development: Coaching emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and self-awareness in preventing or overcoming the feeling of losing oneself.  From a spiritual standpoint, losing oneself may be viewed as a detachment from one's true essence or spiritual path.


It’s worth mentioning that not everyone falls off their path coming out of a traumatic event or needs a collision with a proverbial “mack truck” to wake them up.

It may not feel like it at the time, but if you become aware, down the road you will thank that truck driver.  

🌟 You will see the light return in your eyes.

💫 You will feel your body when it’s telling you to “push on” or say “no.”

🌟 You will remember who you are.

💫 You will FLOW.

I’ve been the driver, the passenger and the victim.

They all carry very important roles as teachers, protectors, critics and allies.

📽️ What “role” in your life plays “the lead” most often?

🤔 Do you trust them?  Listen to them?

🤷‍♀️ If not, do you want to?

With love and empowerment,



I’m stuck. I’m stressed! What do I do now?